B3LLA Piano Trio

music that inspires

BELLA's MISSION is to connect people to themselves, each other, and their communities through professional live music performances of the highest standards, reflecting shared human emotions and experiences.  BELLA sees their role as artists as inspiring people from diverse backgrounds to cherish the beauty in themselves and others.

BELLA is committed to being socially responsible and engaged artists in their community.  Towards this end, they donate a portion of all of their donations to non-profit community organizations, including those dedicated to helping people and families affected by breast cancer.

while steph's away ... the shostakovich sonata for cello and piano

while steph is on tour with world famous indie-rock band, death cab for cutie, gabriel and mimi are preparing the shostakovich sonata for cello and piano.  who's having more fun?  well, it's comparing apples and oranges ...

catch the first and second movements next week at the morrison artists series master class at sf state university with the trio valtorna.

it's free and open to the public!